Night light greyed out
Night light greyed out

night light greyed out

Click on Location under App permissions > Turn on the Location services toggle.Click on Privacy & Security from the left pane > Scroll down the right pane window a bit.

night light greyed out

You should also turn on the location services on your computer by following the steps below: The Night Light feature can also depend on the location services on your Windows 11. Must Read: Windows 11 printer not working after update How to Fix? 4. Now, click on Sync now from the Additional settings option to successfully synchronize date & time with the Windows server.Then turn on both the above options again. If both are already turned on then make sure to turn them off and configure the correct timezone properly.Both the ‘Set time automatically’ and ‘Set time zone automatically’ options should be turned on.Click on Time & language from the left pane > Select Date & time from the right pane.Press the Win+I keys to open Windows Settings.

Night light greyed out